Here are a few more random pics from our lives.
Kelton snoozing in the swing. Trying to get a little bit of sleep without brothers waking him up.
Boys playing horse on Daddy. They can't wait for dad to get home to run or wrestle with. They love their daddy and so do I!! He is a great help with the boys and wonderful to have around at bedtime and anytime!!
Mom took a virus/bug on Wednesday and laid on the couch all day. The boys had to play by themselves and did a great job. There were even times when I woke up to figure out where they were since it was so quiet. One time I awoke to Korbin in the chair. We had been watching Olympic volleyball and both of us fell asleep. He never does this so I should have know something was wrong. PaPaw came to get them at lunch to go play. Within an hour he brought Korbin back with 101 fever. No wonder he fell asleep on his own!! Luckily, it was only a 24 hour bug and we are all feeling better.
Sweet boy
Nickel race at the Lamesa Rodeo. You can see Brent in blue striped shirt in the middle with Korbin and Karson in front of him in white tee. The kids race to a tarp in front of them to gather as many nickels as they can. Last year Karson wasn't into it but this year he was right in the middle and even climbing over people. Korbin just played in the dirt!!
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